
Our Blog Posts

Our informative blog posts about our geothermal activities.
Tarımda Temiz Enerji

Jeotermal enerji, yerkabuğunun derinliklerinde biriken ısının yüzeye çıkarılmasıyla elde edilen yenilenebilir bir enerji kaynağıdır....

Geothermal Greenhouses: The Future of Greenhouse Farming

The future of agriculture is of great interest in the age of innovation. Imagine a future, where more sustainable and more productive crops are grown with the opportunities offered by geothermal energy. As the representative of this future, we would like to invite you...

What is Geothermal Agriculture?

Geothermal agriculture is an innovative and sustainable agricultural method that has been receiving increasing attention in the agricultural sector in recent years. This approach includes utilising the natural hot water and steam resources beneath the earth's crust...