
Board of Directors

As we advance on the path to globalization in geothermal energy, we do not stray from the principles that define us for a brighter future.

Muhammet Şuheyp Mendi

Chairman of the Board of Yediyol Holding

Beyond an ordinary beginning, Muhammet Suheyp Mendi is a leader who has achieved many firsts in Turkey’s business and innovation world. His story begins at the point where perseverance and innovation converge. As an innovative entrepreneur, he has not only left his mark on the business world, but has also progressed towards transforming it.

Challenges overcome with innovative ideas, a steady progress and strong steps towards a bright future through visionary initiatives…

Muhammet Şuheyp Mendi’s Journey in the Business World

The journey of Mr. Mendi started with Çağdaş Sigorta in the 1990s. Mr. Mendi introduced the first Life Pension Insurance Policies in Türkiye, thus brought a breath of fresh air to the industry with a young and dynamic team. This innovative step was just the beginning; and he would go on to achieve even greater innovations.

In 1992, Mr. Mendi, with Fom Bilgi İşlem and Grand FOM A.Ş., developed the first domestic hotel software and POS systems leading the hotel industry in Türkiye. Furthermore, for the first time in the hotel industry, the POS sales system with hand terminal and card payment were made possible by him using a domestic software. These innovations have been used in nearly 700 hotels. While the initiatives of Mendi have created a transformation in the hotel industry, they have also demonstrated the power of national technology.

Mr. Mendi, who opened a brand-new page in the field of marketing and sales by establishing the first direct sales system over television and the first call centre in Türkiye in 1999, continued his initiatives at a great pace and became a pioneer also in this field by implementing the first chain gym concept in Türkiye with VITALITY Sport Centre. During the same period, he took an innovative step not only in the business world but also in the field of environmental sustainability with the 100% wooden villa site project launched by him in Yalova.

Muhammad Şuheyp Mendi, with his far-sighted ideas, has undertaken many innovative initiatives in the interests of society…

Recent Achievements: Innovative Utilisation of Geothermal Energy

This journey includes the utilisation of national and domestic energy, which exists in 650 districts of Türkiye, as a clean and renewable resource.

Under the leadership of Mendi, hydroponic technological greenhouses heated by geothermal energy continue to transform the agricultural sector in Türkiye. These projects, implemented in Konya, Tokat and Balıkesir, demonstrate the importance of sustainable agriculture and the protection of natural resources.

The works carried out under the roof of Yediyol Holding carry geothermal energy to versatile usage areas. Active in 200 districts, the holding brings a new dimension to thermal tourism by bringing hotels and thermal water spas heated by geothermal energy to life. Within the body of Yediyol, geothermal licences covering the whole of Kuşadası have been obtained and planning for many future projects continues to be made.

Yediyol Holding also reveals the potential of geothermal energy in the field of urban transformation. Villa Konut and Acıbadem housing projects create modern living spaces with environmentally friendly heating solutions. The projects are continuously developed for the implementation of their technical details and aim for the effective use of geothermal energy in urban transformation. Thanks to urban transformation projects powered by geothermal energy, it is aimed to increase the quality of life of the society. In the light of these objectives, geothermal licences covering approximately 90% of Istanbul have been incorporated into the company.

Aquaculture farms are another innovative use of geothermal energy. These systems developed by Mendi contribute to the aquaculture sector by enabling fish that normally grow in 18 months to grow in 8 months.

These achievements demonstrate that Yediyol Holding, under the leadership of Muhammet Şuheyp Mendi, has pioneered significant changes not only in the energy sector, but also in the environment, agriculture and social life. Mendi’s vision is a balanced approach that combines economic growth with environmental responsibility, and prioritises the use of renewable energy for a sustainable future.

Mendi’s Perspective on the Road to Success

Under the roof of Yediyol Holding, Mr. Mendi has brought a new perspective to the field of clean energy by effectively using geothermal energy in 7 different sectors. With houses, hotels and greenhouses heated by geothermal energy, he has provided ground-breaking solutions to the energy needs of the society and has taken important steps for a clean future.

Muhammet Şuheyp Mendi believes that development is a continuous process and that this process has the power to positively transform individuals and society. The belief of Mr. Mendi that a person who improves himself/herself will also enlighten the lives of the people around him/her and open the doors to a brighter future constitutes the cornerstone of his leadership and life philosophy. This idea is a guiding principle that shapes Mendi’s approach to business and social life, and continuous learning, innovation and openness to development are the foundation of his achievements and sphere of influence.