In addition to keeping living spaces warm by using geothermal energy, we also offer solutions that are environmentally friendly and support urban transformation.
Geothermal energy, which is a renewable energy source, can be utilized for heating buildings and meeting hot water needs. The utilization of geothermal energy both reduces energy costs and carbon emissions. Geothermal urban transformation projects can create environmentally friendly living spaces with high energy efficiency.
We Bring an Innovative Approach to Urban Transformation by Using Geothermal Energy in Villa Konut and Acıbadem Housing Projects
Our Villa Konut housing project creates a new generation housing estate in Kuşadası with its five-block structure and modern heating systems. Our Acıbadem project, meanwhile, provides Istanbul with a modern living space that stands out with its environmentally friendly heating solutions. We continue our plans for the implementation of the technical details of our projects.
In our projects, we aim to use geothermal energy effectively in urban transformation. We carry out our activities in parallel with our vision of creating environmentally friendly and sustainable living spaces.
Energy efficiency and environmental impact assessments are the elements we always prioritize at the start of every project. Our systems powered by geothermal energy will carry our vision of designing a sustainable future even further. Soon we will come to you with projects that will maximize the potential of geothermal energy in the construction sector and lead the sector.
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Türkiye’nin Jeotermal Enerji Potansiyeli
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